
Cancerscope is available through pip. It supports all Python versions upwards of Python 2.7. It has been developed and tested with Python 2.7.14, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, and 3.7.

Installing previous releases

To upgrade to a newer release, simply run the following bash command: .. code:: bash

pip install –upgrade cancerscope

To install a previous release, for example, v.0.42 (last supported release that used theano and lasagne): .. code:: bash

pip install cancerscope=0.42

Installing bleeding edge release

To install the latest release instead of the most recent stable release, you can install from source. Use the following bash commands:

>>> git clone
>>> cd cancerscope
>>> python install

Major version changes

Model setup using theano and lasagne .. versionchanged:: 0.42

Model setup using keras .. versionadded:: 1.0

Plotting option available for python 2.7 .. versionadded:: 0.0

Plotting option removed .. versionchanged:: 0.31